When addressing your health, one of the first places to start tweaking is your gastro-intestinal tract otherwise known as the good old GIT. Home to your digestion, nutrient absorption, majority of your immune system, production of most of your serotonin and oh so much more.... Looking after this body system is crucial to your health and happiness.
Ideally the GIT works as a synchronised symphony with each instrument playing it's well rehearsed part and the music flowing along in the order it was composed. Digestion starts with the brain and nervous system, in a relaxed state the body can supply all the necessary energy to the GIT to do its thing as well as triggering appetite and increasing oral secretions. Then as you chew your food important enzymes are already in motion, breaking down and signalling to the next in line... the stomach. This is where I would like to focus this blog and it's extremely important counterpart hydrochloric acid, without which the digestive process comes to a staggering halt as the small intestine fails to get it's 'signal' and a whole myriad of health issues play out.
So what is it that goes wrong here? And how can we fix it?
Firstly a few things you should know about our gastric friend....
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is stimulated by a hormone in the stomach, known as gastrin, is produced by cells of the stomach and is dependent on CO2, H20, Zinc and vitamin B6. Other notable ingredients in a good gastric juice are vitamin B1 and vitamin C.
HCl is vital in the breakdown of many proteins, as a barrier to detrimental microorganisms (by killing them off with its kick ass acidity), is essential for the breakdown of B12 and calcium, increases the absorption of magnesium, zinc, vitamins C and folic acid, converts non-harm iron (that's the non bioavailable form of iron mainly found in green leafies) into a more easily absorbed form, and keeps the stomach happy where water, iodine, copper, fluoride and molybdenum are all absorbed. It ensures proper metabolism of tyrosine (which would otherwise convert to a toxic compound) and it helps the healthy flow of bile so we can properly breakdown and absorb what we need from our fats.
We need to look after this guy and to do so there is a little housekeeping...
~ Over eating is a big no no, as is a meal heavily based on starches, sugars and carbohydrates especially when combined with a lack of protein
~ Protein is a huge friend of hydrochloric acid
~ Over cooked and processed foods are out as they denature proteins making them pretty much useless
~ Hard to digest proteins are also a cause for a tummy ache so wheat, gluten, dairy - all out!
~ Thyroid function is vital here due to it's role in signalling gastrin (that guy that then signals hydrochloric acid)
~ Some other contenders are stress (our adrenals rule over so many of our hormones including those involved in metabolism), anxiety, too much alcohol and eating in a non-relaxed state as well as a lack of chewing as it puts far too much strain on the stomach who is pretty much already overworked and under loved.
Because proper hydrochloric acid production then goes on to signal the rest of the GIT, it is so important to get this guy right or you are looking at a whole host of issues.... weak brittle nails and hair loss due to nutrient malabsorption, multiple food sensitivities as there is increased pressure on the intestines which end up permeable, then there is acid reflux, belching, bloating, indigestion, an itchy bum, iron deficiency, chronic candida, infections... it ain't pretty.
So consider all those triggers mentioned above and if you're guilty of any of them then do what it takes to limit bad habits, which are sadly pretty much considered normal these days. And on top of which I am a huge fan of dandelion tea which stimulate digestive juices thank to its bitterness, plus a little tonic you can add to your day which may help things along the way.... no magic bullet here intended, you gotta do your part and reduce those no no's!
I like to start each meal with a shot of my personalised version of Fire Cider.... apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, turmeric, black pepper, a pinch of rock salt and a pinch slippery elm. You can put all the ingredients in a jar and give it good shake, or if you have a blender on hand- then blend them up with whole organic lemons in the place of the lemon juice for a thicker consistency.
~ The acidity of the apple cider vinegar stimulates more gastric juice
~ Lemon juice is fabulous source of vitamin C and its bitterness stimulate digestive juices
~Cayenne pepper is for the gut as it gets things going and cleanses those bowels but I like to include it in this tonic
~Turmeric reduces the inflammation residue of low stomach acidity
~Good quality sea salt is full of so many fabulous minerals and really helps support the gastric acid production
~Slippery elm- where were we before this guy? It has a unbelievable ability to smooth things over in that troubled GIT, it keeps all your mucous membranes happy and pretty much regulates your movements...a must have for all you health enthusiasts